Fortnightly rant or so

Sometimes I just have to get something off my chest. So why inflict it on the whole world, you might ask? Why not, I might reply.

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Location: Jackson, Tennessee, United States

I write a lot, and I try my hand at drawing. I was once wrestled to the ground by a set of bagpipes. Check out my work at

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Acts 3:13

"The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his Son, Jesus, whom you delivered up and denied in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to let him go."

This may sound like a stretch, but work with me. Pilate was completely ignorant; therefore, he thought of Jesus as a harmless rabble-rouser. The Jewish officials, the scribes and Pharisees, were educated in the Scriptures and had all the information; therefore, they had the responsibility to recognize Messiah. In the same way Judas had the Jesus experience first hand, and he should have recognized Him. But they all betrayed Messiah and handed Him over to the ignorant gentiles. None of this came as a suprise to God, and He of course predetermined to use the unbelief of His people to bring about His plan. With God the promise always depends on some level of belief, even if that level is nil. So, He in effect says, "Because you don't believe Me, I will save you. I will use your hatred of Me to forgive you."

In v. 18 Peter reminds the Jewish crowd that they also have the information from Scripture to realize that Christ was appointed to suffer. So again, he calls upon them to recognize Messiah. It boggles me that the accusation of killing the Holy One is always followed by an invitation to seek mercy.


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