Fortnightly rant or so

Sometimes I just have to get something off my chest. So why inflict it on the whole world, you might ask? Why not, I might reply.

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Location: Jackson, Tennessee, United States

I write a lot, and I try my hand at drawing. I was once wrestled to the ground by a set of bagpipes. Check out my work at

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Wacky Packages

Back when I was a kid there was a general fascination with the grotesque. 'The Addams Family' was on TV and Mad Magazine was coming into its golden age. Popular toys included Wish-niks and Rat Finks. One of the things I remember most fondly are Wacky Packages, produced by Topps Bubble Gum, and apparently they are still being made. The one here was probably my favorite, although there were many great ones. To see more and perhaps gain some insight into just what my problem is, check out this link.


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