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Friday, May 19, 2006

Paul timeline

Here is, as best as I can figure, the chronology of Paul's scriptural activities, for those of you who care about such things:

AD 32 - Conversion on Damascus Road, meets Ananias in Damascus, goes into Arabia, returns to Damascus
AD 35 - Escapes to Jerusalem (let down in a basket), rejected by apostles, received by Barnabas and meets with Peter and James some time later
? - Returns to Tarsus via Caesarea
AD 39? - Sought out by Barnabas and goes to Antioch for one year
AD 40? - Takes financial gift to Jerusalem with Barnabas
? - Returns to Antioch with Barnabas and Mark
AD 42? - caught up into "third heaven"
AD 45 - First missionary trip with Barnabas and Mark: Seleucia, Salamis, Paphos, Perga (Mark departs to Jerusalem), Antioch Pisidia, Iconium, Lystra (Paul stoned and left for dead), Derbe, Lystra, Iconium, Antioch Pisidia, Pamphylia, Perga, Attalia, Antioch (it is stated that Paul remained in Antioch a long time after returning; rebuke of Peter); Letter from James sometime in this period
AD 49 - Council at Jerusalem
AD 50 - Second missionary trip with Silas (split from Barnabas): Syria, Cilicia, Derbe, Lystra (Timothy joins and is circumcised), Iconium, Antioch Pisidia (directed away from Asia), Troas (gains Luke, directed into Europe), Samothracia, Neapolis, Philippi (imprisoned), Amphipolis, Apollonia, Thessalonica (three weeks), Berea, Athens, Corinth
AD 51 - • First letter to the Thessalonians, • second letter to the Thessalonians
AD 52 - Resumes second missionary trip after 18 months in Corinth, going to Cenchreae, Ephesus, Caesarea, Antioch; • letter to the Galatians; attends a feast in Jerusalem
AD 53 - Third missionary trip: Ephesus (three years)
AD 56 - • First letter to the Corinthians; resumes third missionary trip after Pentecost, planning to sail to Syria but instead going back through Greece and then Macedonia (three months)
AD 57 - • Letter to the Romans; ends time in Macedonia by going to Troas to wait for Luke's group (• second letter to the Corinthians, collects gift for Jerusalem church, visits Corinth during this period), resumes third missionary trip after Passover (seven days after Luke arrives), Assos, Mitylene (one day), Chios (one day), the island of Samos (one day in Trogyllium), Miletus (farewell to the Ephesian elders), Cos (one day), Rhodes, Patera, Tyre (seven days), Ptolemais (one day), Caesarea (several days), Jerusalem in time for Pentecost
? - Arrested in Jerusalem, handed over to Romans, removed to Caesarea, judged by Felix 12 days after arriving at Jerusalem
AD 59 - Still under arrest but at liberty, judged by Festus and Agrippa, sets sail for Rome in the autumn: Sidon, Myra, Fair Havens, shipwrecked (likely in October) on Malta for three months
AD 60 - Resumes voyage: Syracuse, Rhegium, Puteoli, Rome; • letter to the Ephesians, • letter to the Colossians, • letter to Philemon, • letter to the Philippians
AD 62 - End of the written record, Paul living in a rental house in Rome
AD 64 - • First letter to Timothy, Paul in Macedonia
AD 65 - • Letter to Titus (free during this period)
AD 67 - • Second letter to Timothy (back in prison)

I'm sure other folks who are better scholars than me have already tried to piece this together. If I've got errors here, well, I'm not surprised, but there you have it anyway.


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