Music and stuff
New posts at St. Celibart: An oldie but goodie, “To Your Holiness,” and a combination of homilies on Christ’s words from the cross, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.”
On Sunday St. Celibart received its 5,000th hit, in just over six months of existence. Probably about 10% of these were me, so they don’t really count, but I send a shout out to all of you who have visited and thanks for your support. I hope you will continue to come by every now and then, and that the material is a blessing and exhortation to you. Please pass the word: Arts for Christ’s Bride, free and available to all.
On Sunday St. Celibart received its 5,000th hit, in just over six months of existence. Probably about 10% of these were me, so they don’t really count, but I send a shout out to all of you who have visited and thanks for your support. I hope you will continue to come by every now and then, and that the material is a blessing and exhortation to you. Please pass the word: Arts for Christ’s Bride, free and available to all.
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