Fortnightly rant or so

Sometimes I just have to get something off my chest. So why inflict it on the whole world, you might ask? Why not, I might reply.

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Location: Jackson, Tennessee, United States

I write a lot, and I try my hand at drawing. I was once wrestled to the ground by a set of bagpipes. Check out my work at

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


"(Prayer) is, above all, fellowship with God and being brought under the power of His holiness and love, until He takes possession of us and stamps our entire nature with the lowliness of Christ, which is the secret of all true worship. ... The faith that always thanks Him - not for experiences, but for the promises on which it can rely - goes on from strength to strength, still increasing in the blessed assurance that God Himself will perfect His work in us."

- Andrew Murray, "The Prayer Life"


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