Christians and politics
" 'Vanity of vanity,' says the Preacher. 'Vanity of vanities, all is vanity' " In others words, the world stinks, and we're not going to change it. So should Christians swear off politics - after all, in the U.S. government is trusted to the people - and just let the world go its way? After all, all is vanity. We're never going to make the world look like the Church, nor should we want to. Really, the Church should want to stick out like a sore thumb. But is it Christ's will that we let society go its way into utter judgment? I say no; if we do, surely it will suck us along with it. If we have to be surrounded by vanity, I think we should try to at least make it good vanity.
OK Craig, you know what they say, "There are two things you should never talk about..." or was that three?!?
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