A new law
just tell me who to vote for
don’t teach me about truth and beauty
just label my music
don’t teach me how to live like a free man
just give me a new law
i don’t wanna know if the answers aren’t easy
so just bring it down from the mountain to me
i want a new law
i want a new law
gimme that new law
don’t teach me about moderation and liberty
i prefer a shot of grape juice
don’t teach me about loving my enemies
don’t teach me how to listen to the Spirit
just give me a new law
what’s the use in trading a law you can never keep
for one you can that cannot get you anything
do not be afraid
do not be afraid
do not be afraid"
"A New Law" © 2006 Derek Webb
Friends, God has given us a new law, and like the Israelites before us we have rejected it. It is the law of liberty. (Jas. 1:25, 2:12; Rom. 8:21; Gal. 2:4, 5:1, 5:13; 2 Cor. 3:17; 1 Cor. 8:9, 10:29)