Fortnightly rant or so

Sometimes I just have to get something off my chest. So why inflict it on the whole world, you might ask? Why not, I might reply.

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Not-so-instant analysis

Here's a few more thoughts about the election just past.

1. Bill Frist can forget about being president. Conservative voters just repudiated his Senate in a big way. He can save himself a lot of time and trouble now by forgetting any plans he had about running for president.

2. The last time Democrats were in charge of Congress they engineered the two biggest tax increases in history, over the course of three years. What's coming will not only take money from your family, but it will cripple the economy. Brace yourself.

3. However, the Bush tax cuts are set to expire in 2010. If Congress doesn't extend them, the tax rates go back to 2000 levels, ipso facto, a tax increase. I wouldn't be surprised if the Democrats do nothing tax-wise until after the 2008 presidential elections. Raising taxes in the next two years would just give Republicans a good campaign issue, and Democrats would probably rather consolidate their power by winning the presidency before doing their thing.

4. Democrats won, so good on 'em. But they didn't run on a single idea, and now they may try to govern without a single idea. All politics is the same, but it really does seem it's more about power than policy with Democrats.


Blogger P. Beard said...

I am afriad I have to agree with your analysis.

It is my hope that Americans will soon see that it was a bad idea to empower a political party based solely on "change" of leadership. I don't know of one Democratic Party idea for how to solve the problem of Iraq. They said, "We need to get out. We need a change of leadership". Duh! Even Bush was saying we needed to get out, with the exception that we needed to "finish the task". We would do well to remember the modern democracies Germany and Japan were not built in six months.

I can't help but think that the election would have turned out differently had Bush dumped Rumsfeld three weeks ago.

The war asside I think this election was more about ethics than ideas and I hope that all politicians have taken note.

10:36 PM  

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