Frederick Buechner
"(Friends who) had entered the part of me where my dreams come from, and although a number of years have gone by since then, some of them come ambling through my dreams still." Frederick Buechner, "Now and Then"
Your dreams tell you when you've become attached to someone. I love Buechner. Even his prosaic accounts are beautifully written and full of insight and imagery. One problem resides with him, though: You can't talk about him with friends because nobody really knows how to pronounce his name. Even people who have heard it pronounced in the media are likely to have heard a handful of different pronunciations. So, after much trouble and exhaustive investigation, I hereby reveal the correct pronunciation: FRO-derick.
Your dreams tell you when you've become attached to someone. I love Buechner. Even his prosaic accounts are beautifully written and full of insight and imagery. One problem resides with him, though: You can't talk about him with friends because nobody really knows how to pronounce his name. Even people who have heard it pronounced in the media are likely to have heard a handful of different pronunciations. So, after much trouble and exhaustive investigation, I hereby reveal the correct pronunciation: FRO-derick.